Monday, March 11, 2013

4 months (OH MY!)

Sitting here writing this post it seems impossible that Mason is 4 months already! Though it does seem like he has been a part of our family forever. He fits in perfect around here. He is my calm to Landon's crazy (thank goodness!). This little boy is just content to sit in his bumbo or lay on the floor with a few toys. We are pretty much sleeping through the night now, about 10-11 pm to 5-6 am. He takes a great afternoon nap at the exact same time as big brother (awesome for mom since it gives me great uninterrupted study time).

 He is such a happy, happy guy. Always flashing that dimple and cooing and smiling. Today was his 4 month check up and every thing went great. Poor guy got four shots and an oral vaccine and has been sleeping ever since. He is still growing right on track. He is 14 pounds (25th-50th %) on the nose and 24 inches (10-25th%) long. He is staying right in the same percentiles every month which is awesome! His head is 40 cm (5th-10th%). He is growing great, which doesn't surprise me because the boy loves to eat. We tried some cereal last week and he wasn't liking that at all. We even added some banana (only way his brother would eat it), but he wasn't having it. So going to take a week or so and try again.

So glad this little boy is part of our family! So excited to keep watching his personality develop. Love you Mason!

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