Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Mason!

Wow has it really been a year! I can't imagine life without Mason. He has made our little family complete! He is such a happy guy and is rarely upset about anything. Usually just when he's hungry. He is growing like a weed 29.5 in and 22 lbs.

He loves to eat. Some of his favorites are scrambled eggs and peanut butter toast and any kind of meat. He still only has 2 teeth but he sure can gum down anything. The transition away from bottles is going to be tough since he isn't a big fan of the sippy cup.

He is sleeping great! Usually goes down between 6:30 and 7pm and gets up around 6-7am. He also usually take a 3-4 hour afternoon nap. He is walking along stuff a lot faster now and has even stood on his own a few times (of course I'm never quick enough with the camera). I don't think it will be long before he realizes he can walk.

Some of his favorite things are Daisy and Landon, he finds both of them hilarious. He also likes any toy or object he can slide across the floor while he bear crawls, and any toy that has balls.

Happy Happy Birthday to my happy happy guy!

Landon is 4!

Again this momma is slacking and just now realized I never wrote this blog when I sat down to write Mason's.

It is so hard to believe that Landon is 4! He is the funniest, sweetest, craziest boy I know. The boy who never talked is now a non stop chatterbox. And boy oh boy the things that come out of his mouth crack me up daily! Just today he was eating breakfast, and had about 1/2 a toaster strudel left and said "Mom, this isn't delicious any more."

He is so crazy but when no one is looking, or so he thinks he will sit and play with his cars and trains for hours. He is also a great big brother. He for the most part is nice to Mason, he has his moments. What melts my heart are the random times he hugs, kisses him on the head and tells him "love you Mason." He still will randomly snuggle with me, usually for only for a few minutes.

Some of his favorite things include Mickey, Monsters inc, Mean ones (Minions), Doc Mcstuffins, Thomas, and Mario Kart. He loves to play with anything with wheels and will play hi ho cheerio and candy land 20 times in a row. His favorite foods are hotdogs and chicken nuggets.

Every Sunday he watches football with daddy complete with both of them yelling at the TV. He is a mini Chris. I am amazed at how smart he is and he continues to surprise me everyday!