Wednesday, October 16, 2013

11 Months! (yes I know a little late.)

One year ago I looked like this:
And boy oh boy was I ready to meet Mason! It is so hard to believe that in just a few weeks he will be one already. He has been such a great blessing on our family! Landon is enjoying being a big brother (most of the time). What a great personality Mason has! He is almost always happy, except when he wants food. And let me tell you when he wants food he wants it now! This boy loves to eat! He is up to 21 lbs 5 oz and is 28.5 inches long. He still only has 2 teeth but he sure can gum down just about anything with them. The only thing I have given him so far that he did not like was mandarin oranges. Other than that as long as h can pick it up and put it in his mouth himself he will eat it. He is not a huge fan of the sippy cup but is starting to do much better with it. He luckily likes whole milk and I think that transition will be a fairly easy one.

We have a very busy month planned. Pumpkin patches and a Halloween train, pictures (So excited for his smash cake!) and a big birthday party. We are dressing up as Monsters inc this year (Landon's choice lol) Landon is Sully, Mason is Mike and I am Boo. (Daddy is the big ole' party pooper).

Mason's favorite things right now are blocks, balls, the Halloween lights, his brother, food and Daisy. He is starting to babble more and has got Daddy down pat. Now to get him to say Mommy :). He is still not walking, but is walking along the furniture more. He has great balance and I think if he tried he would be walking in no time. Lucky for me he is perfectly content with crawling. I am not ready for him to be off on his feet. Only one more month and my baby will be 1! YIKES!

all done with this photo shoot Mom!