Thursday, August 8, 2013

9 Months

I can't believe it's August already! Mason is 9 months old! We have had a busy month around here. I started work so the boys have been home with a babysitter. It was a bit of an adjustment for Mason. He was not eating good and was sleeping a lot. Well towards the end of that week I realized he had a tooth coming in. Now a few weeks later he has one tooth almost in and is working on a second one. He was taking it very well the first week. This week has been a different story! He has been cranky and refusing to sleep or eat. He also has runny nose which really makes him mad. plenty of teething rings and Motrin and Tylenol around here.

Mason is growing great! He weighs 19 lbs and is 28 inches tall. He is doing great with fruits and cereal, but still only eats a 1/2 jar of vegetables a day. His favorite things to eat are graham crackers and bananas. He also likes to try what ever we are eating. Not a huge fan a burger, but he loved tilapia and blueberries. He is also a huge fan of ice cream.

He is a very fast crawler. He has gotten into the habit of putting his head down when he wants to go really fast. Problem with this is then he can't see. He is standing really well and usually only uses one hand to hold on now. He has taken about 2 steps along the couch but isn't really trying to do it at all. Which is fine by me. He can take his sweet time walking.

Landon is interacting with him a lot more and most mornings they watch mickey and play with cars, blocks and balls together. So sweet to watch. Mason is totally a Momma's boy, he still loves to snuggle with me and isn't happy if he can't chase me around the house. Overall this boy is usually very quiet and happy. Every Sunday when we pick him up from church nursery we always hear what a happy content little guy he is!