Monday, October 15, 2012

Crock Pot Meals for a Month!

One day on Pintrest I stumbled upon this site : I decided this would be a fabulous idea to do before Mason got here. Well of course Mason is  due to be here in less than a month and I am just now getting it done!

I started with some of the recipes from the site above and searched and found more all over the place. I compiled my list of recipes and then sat down to make my grocery list. What a process, I think making the list was almost the hardest part. After a 2 hour grocery trip I still forgot stuff, and had to do another day. I did the shopping when Landon was at school on Wednesday (and then again Friday night and then again today. I blame baby brain). I was already exhausted and hadn't even done the actual work yet. So after 3 trips to the store and a few phones calls in which I freaked a couple people out thinking I was in labor (sorry mom, I will text with stupid questions from now on). I finally had every thing I needed

Today I started with this crazy pile of groceries:

After 5 hours of work I ended up with 34 meals in my freezer, that can all just be dumped into a crock pot when needed. In the end I think it was worth the time and effort because it will be great to have little cooking to do while I am still in school for the semester with a toddler and a newborn.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mason's Room

I can not believe that in a month Mason will be here! Really crazy. I decided to wait on doing a belly picture because on Friday we are getting maternity and Landon's 3 year pics done. But here is the finished nursery pictures... ( well almost, need to frame and hang the cross stitch once he's here and frame some family pictures for his wall).