Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fun times with the family

We had a great time with my family. Wish it could have lasted longer. Uncle Chad and Adriana introduced us to this thing called geocaching which turned out to be really fun! It is basically a real life, very large treasure hunt. We had a great time and found some caches.

photo credit to Uncle Chad
This is something I will have to do again! We also played a lot of games, which we always do. Adriana got a great new game called Quelf which is hilarious and a ton of fun!
again photo by Uncle Chad
Adriana had o wrap herself in wrapping paper to avoid a penalty !

Chris's task make a mask and wear it till he landed on green!

Then he got to sit under the table with his mask and his paper bib on till it was his turn again.
and of course the girls got whooped twice by he boys in trivial pursuit. Though the new edition we played had a lot more questions more of us could answer!

Christmas Time

We did lots of fun activities and spent some time with our wonderful families this year. We celebrated 4 times over the course of a few days. Earlier in December we took Landon to the Santa House. He wasn't so interested in Santa, but he loved the trains everywhere.

 We celebrated with the Collins family on the Thursday before Christmas. It was great to see the kids! Kind of a bummer that we were just getting over the flu and Chris sill had it :(

We headed over to my Grandparents on Christmas eve and spent Christmas day at my Aunt's house with the whole family. Then that evening we headed over to my Dad's. It was a crazy busy but oh so fun day! The day after Christmas we opened presents at Grandma and Grandpa's.

We had tons of fun visiting....Which will be detailed in the next blog or this one could get really long.

Crazy Catch Up Time

Well as you can all tell by the very spread out blogs of late I have been really busy. I just finished my first semester of clinical. Woohoo! It was really tough but I survived (and so did Landon and Chris). Here are some random pictures of the last few months to get us caught up to where we are now.
 We had a great time trick or treating with the Bartons. Layla and Landon caught on real fast that when they got up to a door they go candy.

Landon is growing up way too fast! He loves to ham it up for the camera!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Landon's 2!!

Where in the world has the time gone? This is sooooo crazy to me. Can't believe I have a toddler running around! We had a great day together just me and him on Friday relaxing around the house not doing much of anything. Never realized how much I missed being able to do this with him. Saturday a bunch of our family came over for his party. Here are some pictures of our festivities!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We spent Labor day weekend at my grandparents for one last trip for a while. With clinicals starting it may be a while before we get back over there. It was a nice weekend spent with the family. We had a cookout at Aunt Laura and Uncle Don's and a yummy chicken dinner on Sunday at my grandparents. The evenings were spent eating way to much and playing Trivial Pursuit. The boys whooped us 3 times! What a great way to relax before school really got going!

Where did August go?

Wow here it is September already! I really want to know where August went! We had a very crazy, but very fun summer! July ended with a trip across the state to house/horse sit for Aunt Laura and Uncle Don while they were in Hawaii. What a fun 2 weeks we had. We took 3 trips to the beach. I forgot my camera at home but managed to get some pictures with my phone and on Ems camera.

We also made a trip out to the Lewis Farm with Morgan and Mandy

Landon just loved petting the baby goats. His favorite thing there was the animated chicken show. He would have stayed there and danced all day had we let him!

Overall the trip was a success. Aunt Laura came home to fed horses and a very tired dog! Here are a few more random pictures from our trip!